changemyway wrote in
Sep 21, 2004 20:41
Hey guys I'm out. 0 time left for most of my communities. It's been fun, later.
buddingrose wrote in
Sep 16, 2004 17:46
I have too much going on right now so I'm leaving. I may reapply and be back one day, but for now, I don't have time to do this. Thanks for the fun!
kisses_of_death wrote in
Sep 15, 2004 23:16
since school has started and i haven't been able to have enough access to a computer to remain in these communities, i have decided to leave..
triplemerde wrote in
Sep 11, 2004 19:58
In the aftermath of being hurricaned by Charley and Frances and soon again by Ivan, I am unable to get online enough to continue this community. If a current member would like to take over as head mod, please reply to this post and next time I'm on I'll pick someone and contact them.