XlMonoChinolX: and tell him that just in case he dosent really want you, not to waste his time, all he will have to show for it is a lot of psychiatric bills that will leave him bankrupt.
so very true. yeah someones no longer single... :) hah this will be a learning experience.
fiona apple is the cure for everything. but yeah. lets just say im feeling a little guilty. a little shitty. a little gross. im pretty sure revenge was supposed to taste a lot sweeter
deftones was amazing. im the happiest little girl in the world right now. this weekend was great. even though it seemed to be only one really long day.
beach. empty houses. concerts. people you love. cheaaaa.
fuck the haters ;) you cant bring me down. not today. not ever.
what a crazy fucking day. oh what a tangled web we weave. the rest of this weekend is going to be amazing. i love the beach. and not going to school ;) daniel makes a beautiful mermaid. loveloveloveloveeeee. sat and sunday <3
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