Step 1: Open your MP3 player. Step 2: Put all of your music on random. Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing. Step 4: Add shortly what you think of each song after you type the list of songs. ( list )
I got my senior/school pictures in the mail today that were taken like a week or 2 ago. I'm pretty happy with them considering most of my school pictures suck. Soooooo I'm posting them :). And sorry, they're like gigantic, cause scanners are freakin heterosexual! ( set one )
I'm over at my uncles house watching my baby cousin, again. She's a crazy kid. She's not a year old yet lol, if that tells you anything. She just woke up from a nap and my sister's playing with her, and she's getting beaten up. They're watching tv and this kid is beating her up with the remote while she's flinging it around laughing, and pulling
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About a month ago my mom got these cards from my uncle advertising his friends gym. She told me it would be a good idea for "us" to go there. By us she means me and my sister, because she thinks we're incredibly lazy, though my sister does do marching for band, and that keeps her pretty active, haha
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OMFG Lindsay needs to come back from her trip to Bumblefuck. I forgot where she went but her and her family went on vacation, for the first time ever haha, and I FUCKING MISS HER. I don't talk to her all that much but we started talkin more and being stupid and retarded (see the entry "packages and mannequins" below.. yea thats her lol
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