Saterday i went skateing in town. ME and tim wound up sleeping over jimmys house. We were up till likw midnight skateing the halfpipe in his basement, i love mini/halfpipes. Me and tim perfected so many tricks i cant wait to go out and do them.
yeah so friday was cool except for the school part. Mike's bus driver wouldnt let us on the bus with our skateboards cause she was being a fat bitch. so we decided we were going to walk, we actually skated half way and we saw suzie and sean was friends with her so she gave us a ride. Then we hung out at the park and crap waiting for tim and
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Lately its been getting real cold out to skateboard, and i become a lot lazier a lot easier. But skiing/snowboarding/snowskateing season is coming up so that will be awesome. I can land disasters every try on the halfpipe now, and i'm working on kickflips to rock and rolls, i just keep progressing. This friday is gonna be a huge skate day in
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