Today was one of those days from hell at work. I was learning a new computer system at the agency, and I accidentally entered an extra "5" into one of the sheets. Well evidentally if you fuck up, it's a big headache trying to fix it! I mean who the hell ever heard of a computer system where you cannot go in and fix your mistakes?? Amazing
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Sooo my vocal lessons resume this Friday, as my vocal teacher is now out of the hospital. I was debating whether to continue with them due to money issues. But you know, it gives me something else to focus on besides my miserable love life. And it makes me feel as if I'm taking small steps toward achieving my dreams
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Interesting discussion on another board--what is your view on tattoos in the workplace? More and more people are getting tattoos removed, in order to have a better shot at getting a job
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As usual I managed to totally fuck myself over. As many of you know, I really have been majorly stressed at my job. So I got a new job, and I am cutting back to part time the end of this month. I was under the impression that I could go back on Matt's health plan on September 1
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Well I got the part time job at the local community college. I'm going to stay on at the agency part time at least for now. I called the LPN school and I'm still being considered for the fall class. Now the challenge will be to get funding in order to go. I will prob have to take on about $10,000 more debt. I guess I still have 20 years at
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