Oct 24, 2008 13:47
i am so bad at sticking to things..
tonight is wine & hookah night at my house which will be fun, even if only a few people are attending.
got my halloween costume last night. sexy sexy sexy.
sexy to the max.
Oct 01, 2008 14:21
dates are super silly
Sep 15, 2008 12:33
i don't have electricity.
Sep 10, 2008 13:29
day #6 of work in a row.
kind of sick of it at this moment. i work two more days. then i'm off for the weekend.
i'm spending about 10 days at my parents' house in october, well maybe not that many.
but also i want to get up to milwaukee if time & money permit.
i have such a huge fucking crush on my boss.
Sep 08, 2008 19:02
i am addicted to risk.
love that game.
i get addicted to games.
it used to be pinochle.
and the sims. and sim city.
my new phone shipped today.
so i should get it wednesday.
Sep 04, 2008 16:08
day off #2 and i'll i've managed to do is:
+ play two games of risk.
+ upload some photos to my computer.
+ eat lunch.
+ drink a cup of coffee.
+ talk to stephen on the phone.
+ take out the trash.
i open tomorrow.
work eight days in a row.
someone is going to be fussy.
Sep 03, 2008 23:12
i really like edith piaf.
well, not really really really like.. but i enjoy a few of her songs.
day off today.
talked to kathy on the phone for an hour and a half.
and talked to stepen for a bit.
did some laundry, did some dishes, had lunch.
played risk.
piano. roseanne.
lazy ass day.
Sep 02, 2008 21:20
i sort of want to start using this thing again..
but for real... i'm too lazy to start doing it.
things are pretty okay here. summer is almost over and that makes me sad.
work is work.
i miss a lot of my friends in evansville.
but making new friends here in louisville is fun.
even though it's hard.
Jun 08, 2008 17:38
hey everyone...
i moved. yay.
also i am having a BBQ on saturday for my new coworkers.
it will be a hoot.