That cunt Miller can be persuasive in his own way, aye? Glad to see your return to these parts. It's actually quite convenient. Perhaps you can send a copy of your latest to me; by the time it's released I'll probably be lost in Mongolia and I simply do not know if they have an HMV there.
You make this lad blush. I'll sleep with it under my makeshift pillow every single night.
Har! Something like that. I've decided to try my hand at being a reality television star, and what better way to grab the world's attention than by biking across the world... naked?
Jonny will get his just reward, but he'll no doubt be hungry afterward, so perhaps the steak will come in handy.
I've never been better. Perhaps a tad busier than when last we spoke. But then again, when last we spoke I think the most i accomplished in an average day was a yawn.
HI! Okay, now, sit still so I can tie you to your chair so that YOU NEVER EVER LEAVE US AGAIN. Is this understood?
Alright, 30 words or less. I had a baby boy. I temporarily relocated to New York, I promoted a film. I'm still married to Jamie, and very happily at that! 25 words, I think that's good, but those are just the basics, mind you. I have missed you, I am serious about the you not leaving part, I swear I will hunt you down and do horrible things to your person if you do. And you know I will ;-) I am so glad to see you back.
I feel dreadful about having left you dear, but I found that it was time to stop wasting my life being merely pretty and prove to the world once again what a dreadful singer I am.
Now that it's sorted and done with, I may have a few more free moments before I'm being pulled all over the country in the hell they call 'promotional touring'.
Comments 78
Is the family life so trying that you've decided to throw it all away in another one of your mad quests?
Har! Something like that. I've decided to try my hand at being a reality television star, and what better way to grab the world's attention than by biking across the world... naked?
I've never been better. Perhaps a tad busier than when last we spoke. But then again, when last we spoke I think the most i accomplished in an average day was a yawn.
Mellow in that it requires less effort and is much more enjoyable.
Try to at least fake like you've been paying attention.
Alright, 30 words or less. I had a baby boy. I temporarily relocated to New York, I promoted a film. I'm still married to Jamie, and very happily at that! 25 words, I think that's good, but those are just the basics, mind you. I have missed you, I am serious about the you not leaving part, I swear I will hunt you down and do horrible things to your person if you do. And you know I will ;-) I am so glad to see you back.
Now that it's sorted and done with, I may have a few more free moments before I'm being pulled all over the country in the hell they call 'promotional touring'.
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