My heart is beating faster and faster, I can feel it. I feel my lungs expand with each breath that I dare take. I can't get to sleep when these images of her pass through my slumber as fast as there goes summer. Even the thought of summer warms me, just the pure thought. Dull is the sky when I open my eyes, but when I close them, it is blue as
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I just don't feel good today! Emotionally and physically! I don't know what is up with me. I just feel like staying home tomorrow and hiding and sleeping, haha. Hell, it sounds like fun to me. And I'm so friggin' inspired to write a song, but nothing's coming out. I f-in' hate it when that happens
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I don't feel good. I want to go outside and do something, but I'm so tired and lazy and I feel so gross. Sasha left earlier. She left the cutest note ever, aww. I wonder what I'll do tonight. Probably just chill at home and comment on people's livejournals. I'm excited for school tomorrow, I get to get my guitar fixed in second hour. And yeah. Well
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Ok yeah, last night was so much flipping fun. After school, we went to Marissa's so Sasha could do her hair or whatever. We get there and Me and Trev were like, "OMG LET'S GO JUMP ON THE TRAMPOLINE" and Brandi was like "OMG ME TOO". So we go and jump on the tramp and me and T rev wrestled. He's freakin' two hundred and something pounds, and I
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