Mar 30, 2007 01:35
my beautiful tattoo is now surronded by pus filled blisters, along with edema, and pain....i want this to end
Mar 23, 2007 02:57
two of my classes this quarter start at five and end at 10 or 1030....which is really throwing off my sleep schdule. bc i can sleep in...im not tired at all...im bored and tired of surfing fucking shit...cant mastrubate....blood....heavy flow.....*sighs*....but yeah...
Mar 19, 2007 01:27
everything is coming together....
Mar 02, 2007 20:33
HAHAHAHA.....i forget how my mom can be a crazy bitch
....*sighs*.....good times
Mar 01, 2007 09:25
it might be pretty, but i hate the snow...i was suppose to get a deep tissue today, go shopping for shoes, get my hair did, and some other tasks. nope...now im stuck home with my mother and step brother....wow...im like the luckiest person....ohh...and i dont have my cell phone....
Feb 28, 2007 22:35
does ne one know when project runway starts back up
Feb 06, 2007 09:19
i know i always have bad gas but for the past three weeks im noticing my gas is always the worst on tuesdays...its just weird
Feb 01, 2007 17:11
it took me 4 hours but i got my car cleaned out...including the trunk. i vaccumed and washed the interior. its sparkling....
Jan 21, 2007 12:34
last night i was watching big cat diary on animal planet and this lioness without a pack got corned by a group of lioness's trying to fight her, and right as it was getting good it cut into an ad for an air freshener......i will never know if she survived