Fear it! Yes this is a post! Anyway, things are still going well. No body replies because I haven't been on in forever, understandable. But that has yet to stop me from ranting to myself. After all, I've caught myself talking alone in the house with no cat to even be my scape goat. Yeah, I've turned around and just sighed to myself. "Damn it, I'm
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Yes, that would be correct, you are seeing a post. I know, i know. It's been a freaking year since I've posted, but hey, you know how forgetful I am. Anyway, I guess this is where I update everyone on my current life and such
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Yes, tonight totally kicked ass. I had an awesome time with my friends!! First things first, we totally dressed up and arrived at the club only to receive compliment after compliment. A couple of woman, (since we were in a gay friendly club) checked us out and even said “Oh wow” to “Hot damn” (about). So, we continued to evening like we owned the
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Yeah, it was really cool. Megatron came at noon when I woke up. (or one.... wasn't to sure...) and invited me to hang out while she got some errands done. We then got back and watched Star Wars; a new hope. (booyah, the first of the original three
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