******************************** "I'm a human being before I am a race, a religion, and an occupation." -- Kris Parker, a.k.a. KRS-ONE ********************************
******************************** A great thing about getting older is getting your priorities straight. You can stop tap-dancing to everybody else's tune and focus on perfecting your own routine. ********************************
*****Do guys like it when the girl makes the first move...or should that be the guy's job?
******************************** Time isn't the enemy. Fear of change is. Accept that nothing lasts forever and you'll start to appreciate the advantages of whatever age you are now. *********************
******************************** "If a man can reach the latter days of his life with his soul intact, he has mastered life." -- Gordon Parks ********************************
For those of you electronic junkies, I have a question....
Which ipod is the best? I'm having a hard time deciding between an original, the mini, or the nano. I want a lot of storage...but the GB means nothing to me.