Aug 14, 2006 18:44
Feb 20, 2006 23:26
I did my first stick today. I was someones first stick today. I don't know which was scarier. It actually didn't hurt at all, which was good. I'm going to come out of that class looking like a junkie. I can't wait.
Feb 18, 2006 14:59
Information from and unknowing inside spy has resulted in mission faliure. Disengage mission now. I repeat disengage. Mission aborted. Yeah, back to the drawing board.
Feb 17, 2006 18:47
I quit Cingular today. This makes my mission so much harder. I need to figure out the details. It is looking pretty good though, considering the circumstances. I need to know how to get that perfect balance to achieve this, my goal. I don't like the way that sounded.....goal. Its not like that. Really. Oh, and suggestions would be great.
Feb 13, 2006 22:50
I can't stand this anymore. I am sick of taking care of you. Your on your own now. Think you can handle it?
Feb 07, 2006 15:27
Why can't I read between the lines. Mabey there are no lines to read between. But what if there are....
Feb 02, 2006 22:26
oh yeah i forgot dont use those electronic eyebrow shaver things....they suck....i made that mistake today and it aint pretty
Feb 02, 2006 22:11
I was told that I am pretty as ever today.
This coming from someone I knew when I could wear a bikini and not scare little kids.
I was very excited.