Turn off your god damn music, will you? I don't know how you get that stuff to play here -- it's Muggle, isn't it? -- but I'm fucking sick of hearing it.
Poke me tomorrow to play! XD;;; I'm busy with shit tonight and I need to get to bed early-ish (i.e. not three in the morning like I usually do. x3;;; ) but tomorrow I WILL BE YOURS. I wanna play with teh Vivi! XD
YES! Today was a very successful day. I found a darling little acorn in a bed with me this morning, and then, while foraging in the morning, found a gigantic yellow bunny Peep!! Ohhh, the sugar. *_* This is going to be a very good winter indeed.
[[The acorn is Aeris, the Peep is Rukia. XD And Renji thinks he's a squirrell.]]