let's kick off a new school year...

Aug 24, 2006 21:03

...with a tutorial! XD I am lame.


PROGRAM: Photoshop CS (maybe not PSP)
INCLUDES: Adjustment Layers, Curves, Selective Color
GOOD FOR: Magazine scans, bright screen caps, and images that do not have a lot of red or green.

If you have PSP, look here for similar coloring!

01. Start off with your base image. I didn't do anything to this. You may need to do Auto Levels or brighten up the image. Save that for last though.

02. Duplicate your base and set it to screen. Now go to Hue/Saturation (CTRL + U or Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation) and put the Saturation up to +50. If your image is saturated enough...lower the number. I sharpened mine and faded the sharpen to 25%

03. Add a curve layer by going to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves. This curve layer will add contrast and darken the image a little bit.
1) I: 79 O: 62
2) I: 166 O: 131

1) I: 88 O: 105
2) I: 157 O: 140

1) I: 76 O: 50
2) I: 123 O: 117
3) I: 186 O: 193

04. Now we add a selective color adjustment layer. (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color). This will add some blue, magenta, red and green.

C: -100
Y: -15

C: +100
M: +30
Y: -25

C: +35
M: -16
Y: -22
B: +25

05. Another curve adjustment layer. This is going to add contrast and some green.

1) I: 65 O: 81

1) I: 144 O: 97

1) I: 109 O: 143

1) I: 128 O:107

06. Another selective color adjustment layer. This is just going to add more red. If your image looks a little weird, you can adjust the other settings as well.

C: -100

07. The last step is to add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation). Increase the saturation to 20. Set the layer to color.

...the final is too light?
Add some multiply layers under the screen layer or adjust a curve layer.

...the final is too dark?
Add some more screen layers under the screen layer or adjust a curve layer.

...the colors are all funny?
Adjust the selective color layers or bring down the saturation on the screen image. Besides, this is just a guide.

Have any other questions? Ask! :)


other: tutorial

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