She was in high spirits. The future looked promising. The [k]night was awaiting her. It was high time for any fairy tale she could postulate. But without warning it could be dark, and domineering, and the neuroticism could be overwhelming. However, we'll hope for the glass slipper.
It began in my feet, then spread up my [legs] how shoddy, now 12hours later, it coats my body . Fuck the itch, fuck the look, I've lost five pounds since this shit took [hold].
Pescatarian for three and a half months now. I must admit, I never thought I'd make it this far.
Sometimes I feel alone and sometimes, even when I'm not alone, I feel even more lonesome. Other times when I'm alone I can bask in the glory that is me. Consider that remark non-egotistical, please.
I've been sitting in the dark for the past two hours doing nothing. I just noticed. Leaving for pittburgh in two days. Losing my best friend in two days. Strange new life in two days.