Jan 29, 2006 18:48
I think it's been four months since I've posted.
Sep 28, 2005 10:46
With the recent request of a friend, I will be re-instating the use of my live journal.
...yeah...so.. Peace
Jul 06, 2005 12:38
I bust my lip and its bleeding.
The boys are swimming at taco's.
Lates, all.
I love you babe.
May 15, 2005 03:33
Sarah fell down the stairs.
Funniest shit ever.
May 08, 2005 19:41
My family is a little more on crack each day. My new pants are covered in blood. Don't worry its not mine. I had the greatest picture today, it was just like "take a picture of me!!!" but then I didnt have the heart to go get my camera.
Apr 30, 2005 01:12
A dream is crushed each day.
I don't want to be a little boy anymore.
Apr 15, 2005 09:37
Hey kids,
I will not be talking to you for probably another week. sorry.
I'm not going to mariposa, but I totally should.
Sorry I got off the phone so quick babe. Its not that I didn't want to call you, it's I had to use my phone time to make sure I had a place to stay when I left.
Mar 27, 2005 01:39
"and they just stripped down and started boneing right there on the tables."
Mar 13, 2005 16:18
I love you, you stupid bitch-ass mother fucker.
"do you want an octopus, a turtle, fish, a dolphin, a whale, a crab/lobster (?), a different turtle, a frog on crack, or lizards?"
Stop being proud of me kid. I did it again.