Dec 15, 2004 10:52
hey wassup niggz....ima be using xanga from now on,...
my xanga is...
post thurr
aight pz
Nov 22, 2004 19:43
yo wussup nikkaz
nuttin realli to talk about
jus sittin here chillaxing AHH I HATE DAT WORD!
yea so we made a vow to ignore katy...so no more of her shit anymore
yea finally tracy ash and dawn..i mean autumn....are outta manager WOOO!
we might have a PARTY but wdk...
ok peace nikkaz
luv ya tracy <3
Nov 18, 2004 19:41
YO WASSUP MY NIKKAZ....alot happened recentely....hmm...hating katy ONCE AGAIN...whats new.lol....and me dn crystal got in a fight cuz shes too retarted to remember shit she did...hmm wht else.....nothing really....lol... but i have a new phraser when some1 pisses me off....YOUR ON MY GOOFY LIST BIATCH!..lol
Nov 14, 2004 19:37
hey nikkaz.....nuttin new really...jus been hangin around doin nuttin like alwayz....lol anyway....pass few dayz been pretty fun...torturing jon and every1 else...lol..MY SPECIALTY lol./..ok peace nikkaz
luv ya tracy <3
Nov 10, 2004 17:08
hey guyz....nuttin really going on...HAHA KATY iS A PUSSI!!..ha ha...alison walked up to her and said WELL DO U HAVE ANYTHNG TO SAY...and katy turned around and walked the other way...haha what a pussi...anyway.....peace nikkaz
luv ya tracy <3
Nov 09, 2004 21:57
HOLL3R nikkaz..it your boi justin hurr.....mad props to crystal for making the live journal for me...thnx alot grrl....so anyway...same shit been happening lately...u kno.....fighting wit aunt...and katy...cuz both are being whores and bitches
Nov 09, 2004 17:09
hey its crystal. just testing justins lj.. hope you like it!