Title: Parachasers OR The Unnatural Interests of Suzumiya Haruhi Rating: PG for boring after-school activities. Summery: Haruhi finds a new hobby, bad things happen to Kyon.
Why must you be so cruel? ;_; Now all I can think about is Itsuki, sitting in his room, hugging his pillow and crying his eyes ou-
You're doing this to make me write/draw more smut, aren't you? ... ; D; (I wonder, would he call one of his colleague-friends ... ? When Itsuki and Kyon stayed at this dude's house for the night and Itsuki decided to "stay" and "wait for him" and all ... That made me a bit suspicious. But uhm. Maybe I'm just reading too much into this. T DT;;;;; [I want someone to comfort Itsuki, though ... >_o TIME FOR A GARY STU, MAYBE? +shot repeatedly, ow+])
Ah. There's not so much to comment on since it's a short chapter indeed, but maybe it's good after all since it's probably been one of the funniest so far~ Kyon displeased with everyone being concerned about Itsuki was hilarious. xD
...I actually got it all wrong. XD It's just that I first read both chapters, then reread 7 to comment it and then planned to do the same with 8, but it seems I kind of messed up the events in this comment ^^'' Um, hope you don't mind.
Hee, that's okay, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on them both anyway. They were a nice surprise in my inbox this morning. :) I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Comments 4
Why must you be so cruel? ;_; Now all I can think about is Itsuki, sitting in his room, hugging his pillow and crying his eyes ou-
You're doing this to make me write/draw more smut, aren't you? ... ; D;
(I wonder, would he call one of his colleague-friends ... ? When Itsuki and Kyon stayed at this dude's house for the night and Itsuki decided to "stay" and "wait for him" and all ... That made me a bit suspicious. But uhm. Maybe I'm just reading too much into this. T DT;;;;; [I want someone to comfort Itsuki, though ... >_o TIME FOR A GARY STU, MAYBE? +shot repeatedly, ow+])
... Oh, damn you ;_;
... (Good job as always, though. ♥ Damn! XD;)
*is off to read the next chapter*
I'm glad you enjoyed them!
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