Since I'm apparently a helpful guy and the lot of you don't know how to handle your boozing, here goes another episode of Jason teaches you how to not fuck things up too badly.
HOW TO DRINK WITHOUT GETTING SHITFACED (or if you do, how to avoid a hangover)
1 - First off, eat something. Having something of significance in your stomach helps you
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[Because Dick doesn't really plan on drinking unless coaxed into it otherwise.]
I heard you drank with Star? How did that go?
We should grab a drink sometime. Y'know, catch up on the good old days. You partake in that?
He's sure that Jason has a significantly higher tolerance then him but...] I can partake on that. Maybe tomorrow or the day after. [Because he's going to need to blow off steam anyways.] Does that sound okay with you?
Now get the fuck out of my room, Grayson.
It's technically not yours only, but I'm going. [He turns to leave, but it looks like he's heading for Tim's suite instead of back to his own.]
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