i shouldnt have done this!

Sep 06, 2005 19:26

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How long have you known jimbolovesu? he was on my basketball team in the 4th grade
2) Are demandingfreak and ___engarde married? uh no
3) Could you see youlostthegirl and _johnny_quest_ together? sure why not
4) What do you disagree with cani_followyou about? durrr
5) What is cani_followyou's biggest flaw? durrr
6) Is antarcticqueen 1337? 707411Y!
7) Would luna_paz and nate1099 look good together? warg
8) What video game does samsonnn remind you of? SIMS!
9) Which of your friends should planetdust go out with? someone his own age
10) Where was comma_effect born? dallas, i suppose
11) Is xgossip_girlx a college student? haha duh!!!
12) If _bets_ were hanging off a cliff, what would _johnny_quest_ do? help her m i guess
13) Is luna_paz in a relationship? not no moe
14) Is mannyfridizzle dead sexy? oh yeah
15) Have you ever dated oohuongoo? too many times
16) Where was comma_effect born? again?
17) If lostdeveigh took over the world, who would be happy? i d k
18) Is ____shaking a nerd? NO!
19) Did antarcticqueen break up with you? nope
20) What would ____shaking do differently in your shoes? be scene!
21) What is comeforward's favorite color? oooo ummm green??
22) What flavor of jello would hatebutterflies be? red mos def
23) What would youbebetty think of weerezistehwinz? hes hot!
24) If lostdeveigh was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? mr asher
25) Does comeforward have a crush on weerezistehwinz? oh yeah
26) Would you wrestle cani_followyou in jello? sure, id wrestle anyone in jello
27) Is _johnny_quest_ single? yeahp
28) Are watsthishere and comeforward going out? theyre having some issues
29) What is watsthishere's favorite game? anthony-paia-liz time!
30) How many monkeys could weerezistehwinz fight at once and win against? just as much as Bill!
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