We of the political left and middle are increasingly exhorted to acknowledge a painful truth: the bizarre public ‘debate’ over health care, its shockingly disingenuous claims and scarily angry town hall shouters, all reflects a deep undercurrent of racism in American society. It’s not us, of course; we’re not the racists. It’s them. Those people.
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Comments 9
I agree that there is a lot of misunderstanding, but we should be clear that it's on both sides. Very few people (including among members of Congress) have actually read any of the reform proposals. Many support them for blind loyalty to Obama or the Democrats, while others are driven by a fear of insurance companies that is no less ignorant than fear of a government system.
If republicans don't want to be painted with the brush of extremism, it is up to them to speak their moderation loudly. Right now, the crazy-ass conservatives are the only conservatives talking.They aren't talking, or we aren't hearing them? 'Unexcitable politician gives calm and detailed policy analysis ( ... )
I'm not saying that Bush et al fundamentally changed human nature - I'm saying that they've fostered a culture of fear that has played to some of the worser parts of human nature. There's a difference.
And they also aren't unique to the conservative side.
I'm not saying that either. However, in this debate, it's not the liberals who are showing up with weapons and vowing to "water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants".
I agree that there is a lot of misunderstanding, but we should be clear that it's on both sides. Very few people (including among members of Congress) have actually read any of the reform proposals. Many support them for blind loyalty to Obama or the Democrats, while others are driven by a fear of insurance companies that is no less ignorant than fear of a government system.Of course there's going to be misunderstanding and bad will on both sides. These "sides" consist of ( ... )
I'm worried that this is going to happen repeatedly over the next few years - any concerted opposition to Obama's policies will be called racist, whatever the merits of the charge. That will make it impossible to deal effectively with the (inevitable) instances of actual racism.
Ah. Someone is talking sense. Bravo.
The ambiguous possible-racism is so frequent that I have to believe that even if the speakers themselves aren't expressing personal racism, they are nevertheless speaking in such coded ways to court favor (a la Nixon's southern strategy) with actual racists. It's all very sordid.
For some reason the phrase "those people" reminds me of this:
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