Sorry, Hannah. We just wanted a distraction, but we got caught anyway and I took on Professor Snape now we're banned from Hogsmeade and we have detention. Professor Snape hasn't told us what it's going to be yet, but I bet it's going to be bad.
Oh no! I thought the three of you knew were you were doing and -- That was stupid -- Well, for all of your sakes, I hope the detention isn't too bad, but you're probably right, since it's Snape after all and everything. I guess there's probably nothing I can do as a prefect possibly to at least help lighten whatever it is? And none of you got hurt by your own firecrackers, did you?
We weren't really close to any of them, so we didn't get hurt by any of the firecrackers or anything. I don't think there's anything anyone can do to change Snape's mind, but thanks, Hannah. I really appreciate it, but I don't think I regret anything. I can see now that it was a risky plan to try and steal the sword in the first place, but it was the right thing to do.
Well, I guess at least that much is all right -- the bit about not getting hurt by your own firecrackers, I mean. I hope no one else was either. Gryffindors can be so stubborn, I mean, wouldn't you at least regret that it wasn't as well-planned as --
Sword? What sword? The one Terry mentioned at the first DA meeting back in fifth-year? What does one have to do with anything?
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Sword? What sword? The one Terry mentioned at the first DA meeting back in fifth-year? What does one have to do with anything?
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