Internship update: I am on Sunset blvd. at the studios. I am mainly in charge of Fantazmic and Beauty and the Beast. It will be a lot of fun, and I am really excited about it. It will deff. keep me busy. There are 13 interns for management of ops. for disney. More info to come later...I am off to bed. I have training tomorrow. ~abby~
If you are reading this, leave one memory of you and me together. Leave it in a comment. It doesn't matter if I know you a little or a lot or not, anything you remember. Next, Repost this and see how many people leave a memory about you.
Ok.....anyone wanting to go on a road trip to disney with me let me know!! I can hook you up free stuff like park admission!! What a deal! Dates are oct 21-24. ~Abby~