Sep 13, 2006 23:21
fuck you
and the horse you rode in on
Sep 10, 2006 21:44
lets just sayi'm soo confused right now. more than ever.
yeah thats preeeeeetty much it.
other news, i went to the smackdown house show last night, it was pretty awesome. :-D
yeah i'm a loser. but what are you non-reading people going to do about it????
Aug 12, 2006 00:32
today was pretty awesome/ depressing.
but damn.
Aug 06, 2006 11:17
i remember when i love you fixed all the problems we had..
now its useless.
i cant/wont get over her. all the memories we had together, and they are all gone.
why can't i get a life and move on?
i had a life and it was with her.
i swear this LJ is pointless. i rant to the internet world.
Aug 06, 2006 11:12
Jul 26, 2006 15:28
how can something go so wrong. im so stupid.. i miss her so much. i have no one to hug, or kiss, i still say i love you, but it gets me no where except more pain. i just want everything back to the way it was, ill wait it out, only because i'm a loser, i just hope i'm not waiting for something that isn't going to come after all. damn.. i am
Jul 24, 2006 12:55
the end has hit, and im a wreck.
May 29, 2006 23:56
i love brittani.
i can't describe it.
but i seem to be screwing up again. i hope i can fix it.
i hate seeing her mad. i just seem to make things worse.
i dont get it.
i cant say sorry. it doesnt help. what can i do?
i guess all i can say is i love her...
Mar 01, 2006 23:08
kinda confused on what to do.
i mean honestly. what the fuck?
what should i do? go for it? or blow it off?
hmph. and the confusion continues....
to be continued.....