Okay we really really need more entries for challenge #3, headers. So far we only have two lovely entries, so get yourself over there and enter! The winner will have their header used in this communuity, along with the icon they made to go with it (optional). The winner will also get a specially made banner! Challenge #3
Okay so original_pink and rubyjewel have both been made maintainers, so hopefully they'll get this place running properly! I am really sorry, believe me, but my life's a bit hectic at the moment, so my greatest thankings go to you two :]
Guys I'm so sorry! This comm isn't closing or whatever yeh I'd just like to ask would anyone like to be a mod here? I can't keep up with the schedual lately. Please reply to this post if you're willing to take on the role of co-running the comm! It's like when I'm late in posting or whatever.. Prior experianced isn't necessary but it would be good
I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I've been really busy lately + my computer has been bust, so I haven't had time to fix it. The winners for C#2 are: xxxpromisexxx, original_pink x2 and mods choice is champagne2001 Thanks for your entrys, I will make your banners ASAP! Meanwhile, please enter C#3's banner contest!
okay you still have Sunday to vote, since 7 people have already done but there's 14 people in the community, and we seriously need to break the tie on Third Place! C#2 voting
Once again, thank you to all who entered! Now, since last time I screwed up the regieme, and I suppose I am now but anyway, I'm putting up a new challenge along with the voting, but there's a twist!
Well guys and girls, I just realised I won't be here from Friday - Monday, so, in apology for my late entry, I'll prolong challenge #2 for another week, so get entering!