purpletaint &
lolwhatfutureWhat: Just an innocent little date, I'm sure.~
Where: At the docks.
When: After
There was something of an erroneous misstep in giving an actual want as opposed to something planned, but the boy figured that it was only a place to go, after all. They were mildly limited in choices, so in all honesty, it was perfectly fine. There wasn’t anything to be used against him in the tell. At least, not that couldn’t already be deduced. He was lab grown and cultivated, and the thought of that man letting his precious little weapons out to play like that was laughable, really.
…Another time. He’d rather not consider that particular individual.
Instead Albedo would rather have, perhaps, took off toward the end of the docks himself, showing his physical age all the more, but instead he waited near where the warehouses started, almost bouncing on the balls of his feet in wait. It wasn’t that he was excited, it was just….
The most he had ever seen was snow. And even that had been fake. Even if the water was ruined and polluted, even if there was no beach, no place to move closer, it was something real. As real as anything could be, in the end.
That did make a difference. For many things.