i continue to live and get eduacated in west texas. today the sky is covered in brown from the windstorm. blech. i have had gross medical issues as of late, but that's a ok with me.
q. i did it. i got a tattoo. and i love it. and it's on the inside of my left wrist and it is tiny. i don't think anyone else likes it much...except micah. but i like it and it's for me so screw everyone else. i miss you dearly. i just thought you'd want to know. but shhh...no telling my parents.
quellie. i hurt so badly. i need you so much. i am pitiful. i let all my guards down like i always promised myself i wouldn't. now i can't stop crying. make me better.
roar. i am the master of long relationships. i don't know if it's a good or bad thing yet. i miss my quellie. c'mere and let us finish each other's sentences. because sometimes i tire of talking.