Anyone who knows me or is in the wrong place at the wrong time when I'm staring at tea knows my vast vast dislike of sweetened green tea and how it is really the only only kind of green tea available bottled in the US. Am I the only one who likes the taste of grass? XD
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Historically and cross-culturally prostitution has been illegal or restricted due to the fact that men in power were afraid legalized and free market prostitution would lead to men spending all their time and money on working girls/boys.
If you saw someone in the US wearing this shirt you'd probably make judgments about them and their religion. But if you saw someone wearing that in Japan... you'd probably just assume they like English words. ^^;
PS: Japan is awesome. Awesomely obsessed with removing every last ounce of fat from their bodies. And they wonder why they don't have
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We all use it - "yeah... that was... special" and it covers a wide range of stupidity and douchery. But lenovo has reached a new level with the default configuration of the laptop they sell to MSU students. Keep in mind these are for college students. In the 21st Century
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Today I was watching psych fanvids on YT such as this one and so I found this band, stabilo who are not new but new to me and maybe if they are new to you you will like them too.
Holy shit I had a huge thing on and LJ ATE IT. Anyway, the site is owned by the CCF (food/bev industry front group) so, you know, but the case is real. I also believe it. The fact that PETA is getting donations out of the douchebag Michael Vick is laughable - if it wasn't so tragic. I wonder if those people giving money to
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