i wanna go to college. damn you jessie!! see collge is like the lottery and your odds are a lot better. but its not as simple. no kazamm instant winner here's your cash. you gotta pick the right school first, then get in, then have it not suck. so its like a three-in-one lotto ticket. kinda like a slot machine, or the ones you scratch off... you
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less sad feeling now. watched lord of the rings 2 last night? dont know. i fell asleep. probably in the best place i could have, aka james arms/lap. whoa. i like almost gushed right there. hold up.
Your Kissing Purity Score: 29% Pure
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so mr. jones thinks its a good idea to buy boxes of a dozen krisp kreme donuts. and then leave them sitting there. i think it is particularly cruel. oh, it's not like i cant have them.
because i can.
that's where the cruelty comes in.
on a happyier note i took a bath with oranges last night. it was delicious.