Quite an uneventful weekend, I must say. But I feel as though I will need to catch up on some goings-on around here. For a later time, I suppose. For now, rest. Tomorrow is a busy day as usual.
I wish there were more hours in a day. It would allow for me to care about what goes on within the journals. However...that is not so. I have kept busy, if you need me, let me know. I won't guarantee I'll do anything about that, though.
For the first time since I returned, I talked to Tsunade-hime. Whether or not she was pleased with my company, I am unsure of. Either way, I'm not particularly bothered. I've kept busy. I'm finding things increasingly more interesting since I've returned.
...I apologize, first off, for the long absense. There are matters that have to be dealt with that require me to take independant time away. However, this does not change that I have returned.
How unfortunate for everyone, you could not keep me away very long.