WEll; I'm in Vancouver staying with my best friend whom I've known since... well literally forever; and down here it's so hot; I must sweat off the excess weight!! After the plane ride yesterday and walking outside exploring Langley I felt thin, it was something I really like feeling
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I must go on a long hiatus I'm sort of under alot of stress; there are exams and such and I feel so fat and bloated, and I keep eating but for the hiatus here are a few pictures:
Wow; sorry I haven't been on for so long. It's just alot of stuff has been going on... I've been on the Environmental Ed. Camping trip, and the Advanced Art trip to Banff. And I've been binging so much lately that I couldn't bare to put it on LJ so I guess I was just hiding =S Sorry =( but I'm back now, and on a good plan so everythings good =) <