Hey guys, everyone freaking out over Hunger Games? I know I am! I'm seeing it in about 7 hours ';sldf'as;dfk has anyone seen it yet? Tell me, what did you think
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It was reaaaaally reaaaaaally good. Like, probably the best adaptation of a book - most faithful - since "Holes." For me, at least. I was really very impressed.
That's how I felt - they didn't really skip anything and that was such a relief! It's so much different than say, the HP movies, where every new scene you're like, "Aw they left that out." I really liked it a lot, I saw it twice this weekend!
My youngest read THG twice, I told my older son we couldn't see it until he finished reading the first book, now I'm dying because the reviews are SO good, and wishing I had not said that!!!
Comments 24
Can't wait to read your Mad Men recaps!!!
...Maybe I'll still read them regardless. YES. :D :D :D :D
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