Just slipping in to remind everyone to come to Acuman's 40th birthday party at the Rockstar Sports Bar at 8:00 pm tomorrow (Sat). Acuman's band then goes on at 10:00. The Rockstar is south of 20 on I-35 across from the Miller Brewery. Acuman said he posted this, but when I looked it didn't look detailed enough;) Suzanne
The show is on. Come see Bleed Down in Ft. Worth at the Rockstar Sports Bar. 7120 S. Fwy. That's I-35 South, across from the Miller Brewery. We'll go on about 9:00 or 10:00.
I know it's last-minute. Come check out my band Bleed Down on the Chevy Main Stage. Friday 12th at 4:00, 5:45, and 8:00. Bring a record label exec or two with you...