The familiar chatter and clicking of flat ware was a hum in the Great Hall. The first half hour of dinner was almost spent. Some where still reaching for seconds of shepard’s pie, others dipped spoons into the rice pudding when the large oak doors to the hallway creaked open on their ancient hinges, and slammed against the stone in announcement of
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CO. WRITTEN. with Peter, Original Author and Genius behind Frank Tiereny.
Staring at the vanishing point in the road Adam’s mind detoured back two days. How the hell did I get here?It was just after one in the morning when a loud crack woke Adam from his tumbled sleep. Opening one sleep-crusted eye he made out the form of a familiar character
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Okay, here’s the skimmy on Adam for the summer (like you lot care) He’s home with his mother and sister and the looser of a brother Evan. Up to eyeballs in trying to juggle the family. Keeping his sister safe, sane, and innocent meanwhile setting up a studio
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You can imagine my surprise when I came home to find my older brother, Evan, sitting shirtless at the kitchen table smoking over a bowl of cereal. Wait- wasn’t he supposed to be in prison? Muggle prison for that matter
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