Mon, 22:52: RT @ hacks4pancakes: Please stop (not) preparing for critically impactful security incidents based on their relative infrequency. You put yo…
Mon, 22:55: RT @ jonsteingart: BREAKING: Second Circuit becomes second federal appeals court to rule Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination in em…
Fri, 20:24: My father was a lawful immigrant from Colombia, now a dual U.S.-Colombian citizen. He's somewhat recently moved out…
Thu, 17:02: Why is a U.S. state-owned news outlet reporting something commonly known last year now? (Rhetorical question, but i…
Sun, 17:07: Yeah, not all those entrances are prominently marked. Colleague and I had armed guards appear from foliage after mi…
Sat, 00:19: tl:dr: Mueller investigation casts wide net on Russian Federation influence operations, rather than being focused o…