HOORAY! THE DAY HAS COME. I just recording two more songs for Take Liberty Walk. I really like them. I just with i could throw in some drums on them and learn to sing. Oh well. I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
WHO WANTS ONE? seriously here.. i need money for the TSUP EP due in February. instant message me - asyouthinkweare. ill take offers, but they will run for $10. (or more if you want..) NEW recordings and songs coming incredibly soon. www.purevolume.com/takelibertywalk
ok.. so im sure you all wanna know what it was like touring. i will let you in on all the hilarious details. and wont be minding too much the punctuation. its pretty damn long. unlike my ding dong
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Im starting to really like the new TSUP song lineup were coming along with. I havent actually thought about it.. but we have like uhh.. let me think..9 or 10 already. Weve only played 3 and the 4th is hopefully gonna be debued at Emos. The others are just songs that i already recorded both guitars for on the computer, which im sure will be modified
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I cant beleive im actually gonna show all 3 of you this, but here it is. My music i make on the side. I didnt have a name yet, and will most likely change it later, so i came up with something lame
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