I can't wait to get out of here. I am so ready to be in Athens! I am looking forward to going out and meeting new people. Megan said we will have to go boy hunting for me...I am looking forward to it. I am excited to get into a apartment and meet my roommate...people have to come and visit me!
I got into UGA for the Spring semester and I am really excited. Well I am excited and nervous. I just don't want to leave Berry and it be the wrong decision. I am upset that everyone thinks I am going just to party and be with Preston, because I'm not. I know my parents say they can work there hardest to get money for me to stay here next year but
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Guys really are a pain sometimes. I wish I could find a guy and date him and not have 50 different things that complicate it. I am ready for a relationship but apparently a relationship is just not in the near future.
It is Tuesday and I am not in class. I have senioritis which is a problem considering I have a year and a half left...damn. I just can't motivate myself to go to class sometimes. I need someone to be here shoving me out of bed. It's not that I don't like my classes, I just don't want to sit through them. I have to mudwrestle Lacy this afternoon and
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"Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever
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So school has been ok. I have already skipped my Spanish lab...whoops. I just couldn't make myself go yesterday. I felt really bad about not going but I was also just so tired I wanted to go to bed. I ended up going to bed about 8:30 last night which is a little ridiculous
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I have been doing ok the past few days. It is hard for me, I hate being depressed. I get clingy and made people annoyed. I hate being this way and feeling this helpless. Freaking LAME...