Title: Ghosts Pairings: MinKey, OnTae, (friendly) JongKey Description: Where Minho and Jonghyun are ghosts, and Key’s younger vampire brother Taemin is in love with his best friend Onew. ( ... )
ahhhhh you psychic person!!! Just the other day I was listening to some of my old music and decided to write a supernatural fic with OnTae and MinKey and YOU, my friend, ARE FREAKING AWESOME because you provide me with additional inspiration. :D Good job! I love it soooo much! Please update soon! :DDDD
ohhh, finally minkey!!! you're such a tease to hold minkey appearance this long... But the wait is really worthy, i'm high on minkey and yet you do another tease by doing this so short. More pleaseee
hahaha this was supposed to be part of this but i forgot to put it in, so i posted it separately. hahaha. thanks for reading! i'll update soon, in a day or so. hahaha.
i'm sorryyyyyyyyy. TT really short on time to write, somehow. the next part will be coming out in a day or so maybe two. OnTae is forever fluff in this. probably. hahaha. thanks for reading(:
I love MinKey! And I love how Minho's playing hard-to-get. Haha. This is an awesome series, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the next chapters. :)
Comments 12
It's funny how Key's left wanting, when his image implies that it's usually the other way around.
kekekeke~! ^_^
Thanks for adding MinKey to part 3!
thanks for reading! (:
Just the other day I was listening to some of my old music and decided to write a supernatural fic with OnTae and MinKey and YOU, my friend, ARE FREAKING AWESOME because you provide me with additional inspiration. :D
Good job! I love it soooo much!
Please update soon! :DDDD
i'm gna rush out all my fics tmr, cos I HAVE PROM TODAYYYY~! hahaha i'm nuts.
thanks for reading! (:
But the wait is really worthy, i'm high on minkey and yet you do another tease by doing this so short. More pleaseee
thanks for reading! i'll update soon, in a day or so. hahaha.
funny minho...
ontae is cute...
the next part will be coming out in a day or so maybe two.
OnTae is forever fluff in this. probably. hahaha.
thanks for reading(:
next chapter coming up soon!
thanks for reading!((:
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