Been terribly cheap today - I've made a new picture out of an old one. Simple addition of a beak, a couple of colour balance changes here and there, et voila. Not a lot of time spent on it to be honest.
Thanks to michellesolomon , I'm having a fab trip down memory lane - the Oscar Meyer picture from the very first Anthrocon in Albany in 1997. Memories.....
It's my Mum's birthday at the beginning of next week. It's my birthday on Saturday.
It'll be the first time in about 10 years that we'll be able to celebrate together. Family trip out to the big Chinese restuarant down the road. I've never been there, but it looks fun.
Bah, I've been so grumpy recently, snapping at everyone. If you're someone who's been on the other end of it, I am sorry. I don't think I'm entirely over it yet, so more apologies in advance for any who may get some abuse in the future
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