I've got to write a spec by tomorrow night, and really, I've only got the first act mapped out. But if Whedon and Minear can write "The Train Job" in a weekend, I can certainly do this, much less masterful and important, script
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I hope all writing is going well. That Train Job script really is a minor writing miracle isn't it? Speaking of which, I hope to make an Africa-sized update soon.
It certainly is a miracle, and I am not able to pull off a miracle like that right now, I'll tell you. This spec sucks. But other good writing things happened in the past two days--I'll update shortly.
PS. If you want some nice chilled avocado soup for dinner, feel free to stop by. I've got half a blender-full, and it's going to get icky by tomorrow, I bet. It's really more like an avocado smoothie than soup, but whatever. It's tasty.
Oh man, wow. Yeah, let's see what time I get out of here. I have to have coffee with a possible fight choreographer for the film, and I have to finish this spec which SUCKS right now, honestly. Ugh. But avocado smoothie-soup! Whee!
Comments 4
And yeah, hello? AFRICA! Let's go, little bro.
PS. If you want some nice chilled avocado soup for dinner, feel free to stop by. I've got half a blender-full, and it's going to get icky by tomorrow, I bet. It's really more like an avocado smoothie than soup, but whatever. It's tasty.
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