I was never informed about dating anyone. Weird. So for the record, I do believe I am free as a bird. All this information that you have been hearing must be the work of my cousin, especially all this yearbook talk she's been telling me! And the fact that she's spreading around how I'm going to be at Sickles next year....um, that might be a negative, ghost rider, I don't have a car...or a liscence for that matter.
Well, that makes things a little more clear! [ I was starting to wonder about the default picture there...haha ] Friday, [today]...no I don't think so, but I'm sure that I will be going sunday, for Filjar is playing as well, and I have been reluctant on seeing them! Will you be there as well?
lol i meant sunday...i get tired sometimes. lol. yes, of course i will be there seeing as i am the bands "food distributor during practice" and ya know theres the blaine thing. heh.
Comments 8
although I think she might get to this herself and in that case...
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