Title: Celebrations Fandom: Star Trek TOS Rating: PG Length: 8,252 Pairing: Kirk/Spock Summary: A series of celebrations throughout the year. Written for ksadvent2009 Notes: Part One can be found here.
What a beautiful story! I love all of your creative new holidays :D (Especially First Contact day, that's really important for our boys.) I have a suspicion Spock was getting sneaky w/that mistletoe! Haha. He just wanted an excuse to kiss his captain. And the New Year's Eve kiss was so adorable! (I have a thing for New Year's Eve kisses). So much K/S love!
Thanks so much for sharing this masterpiece w/us! I can tell you worked really hard on it.
Was he getting sneaky with the mistletoe? Who knows? >___> Certainly not me!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really had a good time writing it, because for me, I love to celebrate anything and everything. I think that other people's celebrations are just dandy, since I don't really have any of my own! =) ♥ Thank you so much for your comment.
Ok, I think I might have officially melted. I feel all giggly. This was all kinds of lovely and beautiful and I love you so much for writing it ♥.
The holidays you created were so pretty! I wish most of them were real. Except for Rumarie of course. But I might even consider that one eventually. All I would need is a naked Vulcan and it would be my favorite holiday ever, I swear.
Thank you! I appreciate that. When I saw Rumarie, I knew I had to write a fic with it in there. I think I now may have to write one all about them celebrating it ;). It would probably be pretty PWP though, I have to admit.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review! ♥
Awww, that was lovely! I am disappointed they never got round to celebrating Rumarie, though - any chance you want to write another year of these now that they've worked themselves out? :D
How very, very lovley!! And besides that the story is witty, funny and warmed my heart deeply. I'm pretty sure the both of them are going to celebrate Rumarie THIS year... I loved the careful and cautious Spock and felt sincere sympathy with Jim, who was incerdibly patient. But then, only he could get Spock to celebrating all those holidays in the first place. Loved the sweet Valentine's card, and the candy cane scene, and the kiss!!!! Really a wonderful contribution, thank you much for writing it.
Rumarie will certainly be celebrated in the upcoming year, I can tell. I'm glad you got the dynamic I was going for. Both Kirk and Spock are so very patient with each other, and help each other to try new things.
Comments 56
Thanks so much for sharing this masterpiece w/us! I can tell you worked really hard on it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really had a good time writing it, because for me, I love to celebrate anything and everything. I think that other people's celebrations are just dandy, since I don't really have any of my own! =) ♥ Thank you so much for your comment.
The holidays you created were so pretty! I wish most of them were real. Except for Rumarie of course. But I might even consider that one eventually. All I would need is a naked Vulcan and it would be my favorite holiday ever, I swear.
Anyway, thank you for commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed it! =) This is my first time ever writing a holiday fic, so it was certainly an adventure.
(The comment has been removed)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review! ♥
And Merry Christmas~! xD
Thanks for your comment! ♥
I'm pretty sure the both of them are going to celebrate Rumarie THIS year...
I loved the careful and cautious Spock and felt sincere sympathy with Jim, who was incerdibly patient. But then, only he could get Spock to celebrating all those holidays in the first place.
Loved the sweet Valentine's card, and the candy cane scene, and the kiss!!!!
Really a wonderful contribution, thank you much for writing it.
Thank you so much for your comment! ♥
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