Finished two books (How to Overthrow the Government by newspaper columnist par excellance/backstabbing bitch Arianna Huffington and Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs... both of which are highly recommended)
Worked on a Burroughs-influenced tale about the random shit I thought of while under the influence of sheer exhaustion and disorientation.
you're silly. you are overflowing with charm. well i at least find you charming, i tend to like cynical comments and sarcasm turns me on so yeah, i think i don't fall into that "dime a dozen" catagory just for that alone... enough about me... this is your comment page after all. oh next time you are bedridden, might i suggest some Neil Gaiman to enhance the mind. "American Gods", "Neverwhere", and "Coraline" are some of the best reading i've done in a while. *shrug* but its up to you
Comments 2
enough about me... this is your comment page after all. oh next time you are bedridden, might i suggest some Neil Gaiman to enhance the mind. "American Gods", "Neverwhere", and "Coraline" are some of the best reading i've done in a while. *shrug* but its up to you
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