::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: Emcy
2.Age: 16
3.Gender: Female
4.Likes: Reading, writing, daydreaming and generally being a lazy ass ♥
5.Dislikes: People who deliberately act stupid for attention and inflexibility (both mentally and physically)
6.Fears: Death, forgetting things that happen in my life and feeling useless.
7.Goals/Dreams: ... Live long and prosper? Maybe do something cool along the way too.
8.Hobbies/Talents: See 'likes'. Oh and I'm double jointed in my thumbs. It's a talent ...
9.Strong Points: Listening and .... giving advice. I'm also really blunt about stuff and don't sugar coat things to make somebody feel better. I see it as something good while others ... well, they could beg to differ.
10.Weak Points: Spelling and grammar? Oh and I suck with people. Don't have any social skills.
11.Your General mood: Neutral. I'm never really ... anything. I'm always in the middle and so I'm very calm, relaxed and generally in a 'don't really care' mode.
12.What's your personality in three to six words: Quiet, inverted, hermit, mellow and .... err ...
13.Color: Green, yeah because all the pretty tress are this color. And black but everybody always thinks I'm an idiot and goes, "Black isn't a color! It's a shade." Wow. Kudos points to those people. Yeah: I went to kindergarten too. (just to mess up a quote from someone else)
14.Animal: Cats. Guess it's mainly because I've never had one and I've always found them really ... adorable. Plus, they tend to manage themselves which is something I like because I wouldn't have to put too much time and effort into caring for 'em.
15.Food: Anything edible? I love pretty much everything and there are only a selected few things I'll push away.
16.Quote: "I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire. I adore this quote because it is actually something I've based some of my thinking on and this is actually how I think. Being really neutral, I really like this quote.
17.Air Gear Character and why: It took be watching the whole anime and being completely up-to-date with the manga to realize that I really like Sora. You hardly see him compared to others but I just find him totally awesome. I mean .. if I wanted a big brother figure, I would take a hint from Ikki and I would have picked Sora too.
::Least Favorite::
18.Color: It used to be pink but now I don't really care. I just don't like to wear it, it ... feels funny.
19.Animal: None. I never really can ... hate stuff. It's hard to come up with.
20.Food: Tomatoes. Hands down. get them away from me. Seriously.
21.Air Gear Character and why: I don't have one. Guess I can't bring myself to hate anyone since I like their different personalities and how they work in certain situations.
::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: Mature. Unfortunately, I am usually yelled at more for it then praised. It's seen as a bad thing to a lot of people.
23.a Leader or Follower: Neither. Don't have the confidence to lead and don't care enough to try and follow.
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Freakishly optimistic. When I say 'freakishly', that isn't just a random word selection.
25.Outgoing or Shy: Neither really. I'm not outgoing (maybe outspoken) but I tend to just keep things to myself and am quiet. Not because I'm scared or anything, I just don't think anybody cares enough to hear what I have to say. So I don't.
26.Quick to Act or Not: Depends on the situation, I guess. Most of the time though ... I would most likely take my time. I tend to do the "I have plenty of time" act.
27.Include a picture or describe yourself: I have short brown hair, brown eyes, am average height, very skinny, long legs and big feet ... have glasses and ... am a big tomboy. I'm not very girly, I'm been mistaken for a man on more occasion then should be healthy.
28.Anything else: Please don't let one thing decided you for my application. I know it's tempting but I want a really rounded result. Best of luck, I know it'll be a toughy.
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof:
http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/21081.html?view=161625#t161625http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/20925.html?view=161981#t161981Only two available people so ... yeah ...