A mini-reunion of Kagawa JETs in Chicago! It was really great to see everyone...which probably doesn't help me get over the remaining reverse culture shock that I have. XD
I've added three albums to Facebook...they're relatively short...mostly in anticipation of wanting to get some pictures out there before they're swallowed up by Christmas pics! :)
I admit it, this article made me a little teary. I'm such a sucker for greyhounds. I love dogs, and large dogs in particular, but there's just something about greyhounds that make my heart hitch a little when I see them.
Not a WHOLE lot...and I wish I updated with pictures as frequently as I used to...but...in due time, I suppose! Pictures of the new apartment will come after we finally get our dining "space" table fixed and get wi-fi (fewer cords snaking around here)!