This journal records the exploits of the agents in PPC Response Centres #24601, #1701, and #9430.
RC #24601: Department of Mary-Sues, Freelance (Anything But Science-Fiction)
Maria Falcone - A Real World native, of French Canadian and Italian descent. A fan of Broadway and prone to random bursts of song. The arch-nemesis of Agent Michel Javert.
Crispin Reed - Presumably a Real World native, though little is known of his backstory. Formerly an agent of DOGA, until his partner Coriander went insane. A fan of science-fiction, but Maria has banned all sci-fi missions after a particularly disastrous sojourn in a TARDIS.
The Minis - Maria is very fond of Minis, and they often hold singalongs. At the moment, the RC is host to four:
Sir Rodric, a Mini-Major-General
Enjorlas, a Mini-Brick
Benjamain, a Mini-Razor
Repicheep, a Mini-Dragon
RC #1701: Department of Mary-Sues, Freelance (Science-Fiction and Steampunk)
April Halloway - A His Dark Materials bit-character. Formerly a scholar of Jordan College and a long-time veteran of the PPC, April is prone to survivor's guilt and bouts of morally dubious science. Her daemon is a magpie, Fitch.
Lora Riker - A reprogrammed Mary-Sue from Star Trek, a Soong-type android who has platinum skin, because her author thought it looked cooler.
Beethoven "Moon" Sonata - Born from a typo, Moon was brought back from his fic by agents Falcone and Reed, and soon developed an intense paranoia of the Flowers that Be. His paranoia has calmed down...slightly...
Moon also does not trust vampires, singing razors, sponges, TARDISes, androids, or musicals. He is the founder and president of the Flower Paranoia Society.
Davos - A Mini-Reaper
RC #9430: Department of Bad Slash
The Rouge Ninja - Typically just called "Rouge," a red-skinned ninja from an unnamed anime continuum. Formerly of the Department of Technical Errors, Rouge transferred to Bad Slash after the death of his old partner, Hamelt, in the Mary-Sue Invasion.
Michel Javert - A recovering Designated Misogynistic Bastard, the uncanonical son of Inspector Javert of Les Miserables. Still adjusting to life outside of the nineteenth century. The sworn enemy of Agent Maria Falcone.
Mission List, in Chronological Order
(Chronological order is not necessarily the same as the order in which these missions were written. Except when it is.)
May 25, 2007 HST
RC #24601: Daughter of Elshadeth.
Part One.
Part Two.
August 26, 2007 HST
RC #24601: Law or Love?
Part One.
Part Two.
RC #24601: To Love or Not To Love.
Part One.
Part Two.
March 11, 2008
RC #24601: Blood in the Stars.
Part One.
Part Two.
March 12, 2008
RC #24601: A Very Wicky Problem.
Part One.
Part Two.
April-ish (Time Distortion)
RC #24601: Worthless.
Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.
May 19, 2008 HST
RC #1701: If I Were Her.
Part One.
Part Two.
May 25, 2008 HST
RC #24601: Sleep is Deaths Younger Sister.
Part One.
Part Two.
June 6, 2008 HST
RC #9430: Keeping Watch in the Night.
Part One.
Part Two.
June 14, 2008 HST
RC #24601:
A Faerie's Reign.
July 17, 2008 HST
RC #9430/24601: Brianna, a tale of a battlemaid.
Part One.
Part Two.
August 7, 2008 HST
RC #1701/1764 Crossover:
[insert expletive here] (By Lycaenion)
September 9, 2008 HST
THE TIME SKIP: RC #1701, with the addition of Michel Javert, are temporarily removed from the timeline.
January 15, 2009 HST
RC #24601:
Quest for Identity.
September 9, 2009 HST
End of time skip. Stranded agents return to their respective lives.
September 10, 2009 HST
RC #24601:
The Brianna Aubrey Story.
Mission Count by RC Number:
RC #24601: 10 Missions
RC #1701: 1 Mission
RC #9430: 2 Missions
(Designated according to which console the mission came in on)
Mission Count by Agent:
Maria Falcone: 10 Missions
Crispin Reed: 10 Missions
Moon Sonata: 3 Missions
April Halloway: 2 Missions
The Rouge Ninja: 2 Missions
Michel Javert: 2 Missions
Lora Riker: 1 Mission
This Master List last updated 8 April 2010