Signs that I am well on my way to becoming an academic recluse:
Persistent yellow highlighter stains on right hand
Decline in personal hygiene standards
Ever-increasing library fine balance
Temporary blindness when you look away from the computer
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Comments 37
And I just realized that your package is still in my THINGS I NEED TO GET AROUND TO DOING pile. Stamped and everything! Ugh. I need nagging to keep me on my toes!
(The comment has been removed)
But I could never forget becuase I am always so paranoid! Getting cleaned up in the morning is one of my favourite things. I love showering! I love washing my face! I love brushing my teeth! But lately it's been a matter of weighing the desirability of getting up to shower / blowdry / straighten my hair, or sleep. And usually I come down on the sleep side. If there's one thing I love more than getting clean, it's sleeping.
ALTHOUGH...i can knit b/c my grandma taught me when i was, like, 5. does that count?
ps, what kind of craft would judith butler be most likely to do? i'm thinking it would be something really dense and complex, like all of her writings-- damn her having to prove herself to snobby WASP intellectuals.
Next crafty event you totally need to come and I will personally extend an invitation to you, okay? Usually I figure that people know when these things happen and that they are welcome to just show up, but I guess that isn't always the case. So yes. Personal invitation coming your way. We can knit up a storm and eat cookies and talk about Foucault. And it will be awesome.
but then, she's already one step ahead of us, not that she's taken any steps toward learning how to weld, but she's been out of school for like 3 years...
that's a start, right?
I just want to live in a world where everyone does manual labour but chitchat with each other in really academic language! Your welder friend is welcome to join me. I'm going to learn to make horseshoes, starting tomorrow. I'll show everyone one step ahead!!
speaking of manual labour, someone suggested i might be able to get under the table work doing construction (which is surprising, given how heavily a lot of that sort of work is unionized or majorly contracted out in canada), but i can't imagine that they wouldn't just laugh me off the site..
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