Yesterday I was talking about what a great feminist my mum is. I mean, the only reason I took Intro to Women's Studies as an elective first year is because she kept calling me every day and pleading with me
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maybe it was a late april fool's joke?! man, that is really really bizarre. my parents have hinted at the idea that they would like me to get married SOMETIME, but have never said "you have got to get married so we can have grandkids, etc." man, that gives me the willies. i can't believe at the age of 20 she would say that to you. i mean, it is nice she's being pc by not saying "you need to get a man", but sheesh. big hugs pamela. yes, i will be trading mail mail back with you this summer. eee! send me a postcard though!
leigh k_e+l_s+e_y 1138 n winchester ave #3 chicago, il 60622
Leigh, I will totally mail you a postcard! Would you like one from Halifax or from Montreal? Both are beauuuutiful cities.
I think the not-using-man thing was less because she wants to be PC, and more because she just thinks I'm a lesbian and doesn't want to offend me! Oh, my mom!
Happy end of the school year Pam! My last exam is today and I couldn't be happier! (I almost wrote 'more happier' which shows that my brain needs a good rest.) I'm going to Vancouver on Monday. Hurrah for trips back home!
As for the mom thing, my mom once told me "If you told us you're a lesbian, it'd be okay and we'll always love you." Which made me go "aww" but at the same time made me go "wha??" as I was dating Silas at the time. Parents are weird.
Oh, poor Jen! Good luck on your exam and congrats on finishing the year! My last exam was yesterday and it was SUCH A RELIEF to be done. We all went out after class and ate greasy food and said goodbye to those who are graduating. A bittersweet occasion.
Yeah, I guess it's nice to know that my mum would be supportive but at the same time I want to shake her and tell her that disliking most boys doesn't necessarily mean that I do like girls. The best is that even when I do date boys she's always so not surprised when it ends, because she totally thinks I'm dating them just to "prove" my heterosexuality or something. Bahaha.
Congrats to you! Almost all my favourite school friends are graduating this year and it makes me a little sad. I guess it just means it'll take more of an effort to hang out with them!
Pam, can you send me a postcard too? I will send one from Vancouver to your Ottawa address!
Oh, I've still got another year to go! The class I was taking is a 4000-level one so many of the students were graduating. Sadly, I am not among the graduates!
I'll absolutely send you a postcard! From Halifax or Montreal?
Holy shit. That sounds like an exact convo I had with my mom when I was 19! I was hanging out with all girls and she was encouraging me to get out where boys were more, and why am I always with girls? I was like, MOM! I'm 19! I've got a few years, COME ON! Yeesh. But my mom was no feminist, so I wasn't shattered in that regard. It was still anoying and disheartening. Hang in there! You rock. Even with out a man. ;)
My mum would never ever call herself a feminist, but she totally is except that she always dates men who are horrible to her. But that happens to the best of us :(
But yeah, totally annoying! I can't believe she would even want me to consider being married when I'm so young. At least I know I'm not the only one who gets bugged by the parents about this stuff though! What weirdoes!
I get lectures like that all the time from my grandmother. She only knew my grandfather for three weeks, so she doesn't understand why my boyfriend and I aren't married yet. Plus, she doesn't know why I have converted him to Catholic yet. She's worried that he won't get into heaven, and I'll be up there alone.
Awww! I think quick marriages are kind of cute though! It's actually the only way I would ever want to get married. I just have no attachment to / respect for the institution so the only way I'd do it is in an ironic "wouldn't it be hilarious if we got married right now?" "yeah, it totally would. LET'S DO IT!" kind of way. And then my mum would be even more horrified than if I didn't get married at all!
Grandmas are totally cute and well-intentioned. It's hard to fault them even when they say such ridiculous things about being lonely in heaven.
sheesh, i will probably never get married! well, one day... far, far away!! luckily, my mom isn't pushing me to get married, but every time i go back home i get the "dating anyone?" questions.. it's always.. no, no.
i say enjoy your youth while you can... &save all of that mumbo jumbo for the later years!
Ahhh, the "dating anyone" questions are the bane of my existence! The first time I visited after moving away I flew back with one of my male friends and my mum was making all these weird comments trying to sneakily get the inside scoop on our relationship and I would give responses that I thought would clue her in to the fact that we both liked boys. One day I just blurted out "MOM! STOP IT! HE'S GAY! G-A-Y!" And she responded with "How gay?".
I'm always "no, no" to the dating question too. I think she thinks I'm just keeping secrets from her. But no.
how funny! the same thing happened to me!! i was planning a eurotrip with a great friend of mine who happens to be a boy who happens to like boys and my family swore up and down that we were dating! Times are funny!
Comments 35
leigh k_e+l_s+e_y
1138 n winchester ave #3
chicago, il 60622
I think the not-using-man thing was less because she wants to be PC, and more because she just thinks I'm a lesbian and doesn't want to offend me! Oh, my mom!
As for the mom thing, my mom once told me "If you told us you're a lesbian, it'd be okay and we'll always love you." Which made me go "aww" but at the same time made me go "wha??" as I was dating Silas at the time. Parents are weird.
Yeah, I guess it's nice to know that my mum would be supportive but at the same time I want to shake her and tell her that disliking most boys doesn't necessarily mean that I do like girls. The best is that even when I do date boys she's always so not surprised when it ends, because she totally thinks I'm dating them just to "prove" my heterosexuality or something. Bahaha.
Pam, can you send me a postcard too? I will send one from Vancouver to your Ottawa address!
I'll absolutely send you a postcard! From Halifax or Montreal?
PS. I heard cute stories about you last weekend!
But yeah, totally annoying! I can't believe she would even want me to consider being married when I'm so young. At least I know I'm not the only one who gets bugged by the parents about this stuff though! What weirdoes!
Grandmas are totally cute and well-intentioned. It's hard to fault them even when they say such ridiculous things about being lonely in heaven.
i say enjoy your youth while you can... &save all of that mumbo jumbo for the later years!
I'm always "no, no" to the dating question too. I think she thinks I'm just keeping secrets from her. But no.
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