Yesterday was the nicest day I've had in a while. It would have been perfect aside from dual incidents of bike dude sexism. Let's review
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that's great about the e-mail, i can't wait to hear more about it!
also, when i master the art of bike riding, i want to take part in critical masses. i love that whole bike riding culture, and would love nothing more than to ride a bike everywhere and meet people who do the same.
He seriously makes CSPT sound like some kind of academic utopia and is super nice and encouraging! He also cleared up some questions I have that I think will be very helpful to you specifically with respect to sociology stuff. I can't wait to tell you more about it!
Critical Mass and bike riding are both so great. If you put your mind to it over the summer, you'll be able to master it in no time at all! And it's mandatory that you learn before Victoria so we can take over the town together!!
Yes. No to place on Catherine, no to place on Bronson! I say that when the snow clears up, we teach ourselves how to get handy with our own bikes so we don't have to rely on jerky repairmen when things go awry!!
we'll have to keep our eyes and ears attentive of bike workshops or friends who can lend us a knowledgable hand. fixing our own bikes would be so gratifying!
God anyone with sense would have taken the discount based on A) Sales guy is an idiot and obviously deserves being "scammed" out of extra cash by wily beautiful ladies who can clearly see he is an idiot.
...and 'A' pretty much encompasses all my reasons.
As if you just called me "wily"! Best compliment of all time!
Yeah, I pretty much agree with your reason A. Plus also, if the work is already done and I have to give him money, I might as well give him LESS money if I can, since he's gross :(
BUT KNOW WHO ISN'T GROSS? This girl named Lindsay that I know!
Pamela! That sucks about the sexism but I'm glad you had an overall good time. I wish you could come hang out in Saskatoon this April; the Women's Centre is putting on a workshop about bike maintenance!
In retrospect the stupid comment is pretty much all I can focus on, but during the actual ride I was thankfully able to put it out of my mind. The only problem was that I became so accustomed to being able to ride right down the middle of busy streets that when it came time to go home on my own, I nearly got run over about three times! Yikes!
We are so cursed with geography issues. I would so love to attend that workshop! Sadly I think I'll just have to teach myself. I'm a pretty handy girl, so I don't think I'll have too many problems. But having someone to show me the ropes would be so awesome- especially in such a feminist environment!
Comments 32
also, when i master the art of bike riding, i want to take part in critical masses. i love that whole bike riding culture, and would love nothing more than to ride a bike everywhere and meet people who do the same.
Critical Mass and bike riding are both so great. If you put your mind to it over the summer, you'll be able to master it in no time at all! And it's mandatory that you learn before Victoria so we can take over the town together!!
A) Sales guy is an idiot and obviously deserves being "scammed" out of extra cash by wily beautiful ladies who can clearly see he is an idiot.
...and 'A' pretty much encompasses all my reasons.
Yeah, I pretty much agree with your reason A. Plus also, if the work is already done and I have to give him money, I might as well give him LESS money if I can, since he's gross :(
BUT KNOW WHO ISN'T GROSS? This girl named Lindsay that I know!
PS: It's you :(
We are so cursed with geography issues. I would so love to attend that workshop! Sadly I think I'll just have to teach myself. I'm a pretty handy girl, so I don't think I'll have too many problems. But having someone to show me the ropes would be so awesome- especially in such a feminist environment!
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