Created by -ambiguous and taken 53639 times on bzoink! What comes to mind when you hear....snow?angel..rain?NO..tornado?dust..summer love?would be nice..Jon?hair..Mike?kirk..Shea?hillenbrand..banana?yellow..dizzy?spinning..Laura?flora..Juan?
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bbq at g.ross was awesome =D lots of food, frisbees, and i guess balls (tennis, kiddy big ones). looking for fire wood was fun..i thought we lost carol but we found her lol. too bad i left early...cuz they spent like 70 bucks on fireworks which i kinda pitched in for yet i'll be missing's ok, still had lots of fun =D
got my famine donation envelope first period...and from there on i started to bug everyone! I got 6 donars! too bad i didn't even earn 5 dollars yet =[ but that's ok...i'll bug more ppl on monday. =D